The Emil Hannover Archive
Thank you
to Thorvaldsens Museum and the company Oncotype
In 2014, Thorvaldsens Museum was kind enough to allow the New Carlsberg Foundation to use the template from their large digital letter archive, called the Archive. We are very grateful to Thorvaldsens Museum for making available the database template, which they have spent a lot of time and resources developing.
Project manager Ernst Jonas Bencard is also thanked for his willingness to share his experience and extensive knowledge in the field.
The company Oncotype has, together with Thorvaldsens Museum, developed the basic structure of the database and should be thanked for this. Oncotype has also been responsible for customising the database to the needs of the New Carlsberg Foundation. Special thanks to programmer and interaction designer Mattias Bodlund, who with great patience, commitment and indispensable technical support has met all our wishes in the daily work with the database.
Tim Voldsted and Birgit Christensen are especially thanked
for the qualified and meticulous transcription work they have contributed. Their efforts have been crucial to the fact that a considerable part of the material from the Emil Hannover Archive is now available in this online archive. The precision of the transcriptions and the insight into the content and context of the letters has been of great importance for the art historical processing and commentary of the material.